How fast can you make that aircraft climb?

Learn the analysis methods to set world records, while also making your flight operation more efficient

The F-15 "Streak Eagle" set 8 time to climb records in 1975 by using the flight test analysis taught in this course.Aircraft acceleration and climb rates are all about specific excess power, but excess power is not a constant throughout the flight envelope. If you know how your aircraft design is optimized, you can get better performance. The same aircraft can be flown on the same route, but by using different climb profiles the enroute time and fuel burn could be very different.

Minimizing time to climb and the ability to efficiently accelerate clearly have both civil air carrier as well as tactical military advantages. These factors are the result of the aircraft's total performance, both in terms of the propulsion system and also its total aerodynamic efficiency. 

US Naval Test Pilot School - Flight Test Manual 108 - Fixed Wing PerformanceSo how can designers and flight test engineers measure  aircraft performance across the entire envelope? The Naval Test Pilot School's Flight Test Manual 108 describes the mathematical theory governing these principles. This course demonstrates how to gather quality data using the level acceleration flight test technique, then thoroughly explains the governing equations, followed by step by step application of the equations to analyze representative flight test data collected in a high fidelity simulator.

This course gives aircraft designers, flight test engineers, and aerodynamic students the understanding and analysis tools to generate plots of Specific Energy Power for any fixed wing aircraft.

The course is designed around a complementary open-source code repository on GitHub, plus free access to the Daedalus Aerospace community for flight test data analytics professionals. Collaborate on your code and data challenges with our world-wide community!

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On-demand learning for you and your aerospace development team

All Inclusive

  • GitHub Repository for Code/Test Data

    Get free access to our Python code and associated test data at:

  • Real-World Flight Test Techniques

    Flight test techniques as taught by the world's leading Test Pilot Schools, with theory and equations explained from the US Naval Test Pilot School Fixed Wing Flight Test Manual

  • Line-by-Line Python Code Tutorial

    Learn Python with immediate practical use in aerospace applications. We explain how to use libraries such as SciPy, ADRPy, and more!

Course curriculum

    1. Level Acceleration - Flight Test Technique

    2. Flight Test Data and Equation Flow

    3. Python Overview and GitHub Link

    4. Basics of Python

    5. Code Walkthrough

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Learn Python-Based Flight Test Data Analytics and Visualization

  • Community for Flight Test Data Analytics

    The Flight Test Data Analytics online community is free to students enrolled in any Flight Test Data Analytics course. Please introduce yourself, ask questions and offer ideas! The learning goes beyond course content into direct applicability for your current challenges.

  • Github Repositories are Good

    Use our open-source modules to build your own applications with straightforward tutorials and examples of real flight test data.

  • Flight test problems require flight test solutions

    You could learn Python other ways... but this course is taught by professional flight testers, for professional flight testers - for contemporary flight test use cases.


Instructor Flight Test Engineer Nathan Cook

Nathan Cook is a graduate of the US Air Force Test Pilot School, with experience planning, flying, and directing hundreds of flight test missions for military projects from the cockpit and the control room. From 2011 to 2013, he served at the US Air Force Test Pilot School as airborne and control room Instructor Flight Test Engineer, Flying Qualities Branch Chief, Test Conductor Standards and Evaluation, Unit Test Safety Officer, and Certified Flight Instructor Glider Pilot qualified in all glider curriculum rides including spin training. From 2013 to 2015, he was the lead flight test engineer for all USAF F-16 mission systems software flight test. He has served as the Chief Test Engineer for a fighter flight test squadron, responsible for all technical and safety aspects of projects across multiple fighter types and systems, as well as control room training and evaluation. Nathan is a Senior Member of the Society of Flight Test Engineers, and currently serves as the Chief Data Officer at the group level, bringing modern tools and techniques to the test mission. He holds a Masters degrees in Education, Mechanical Engineering, Flight Test Engineering, and Analytics, and a B.Sci. Physics with a concentration in German. He also holds Private Pilot - Single Engine Land and Commercial - Glider certificates, is a Certified Flight Instructor - Glider, and has logged time in over 30 different types of aircraft. His publications include "Flight Test Brevity," "Data Hackathons: Jumpstarting Your Test Organization's Digital Transformation," “A Blank Slate: Redefining F-16 Flight Test,” and "Lessons Learned During Development of a Hands-On Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Test and Evaluation Training Course."

Instructor Flight Test Engineer Saint .

“Saint” is a Flight Test Engineer and Test Pilot School graduate. He has 10 years of flight test experience on prototype aircraft , weapon integration , avionics and electronic warfare system testing, with extensive hands-on experience in data acquisition systems. He is an artificial intelligence and machine learning enthusiast, with many data analytics projects for flight testing. He has flown almost 25 types of fixed wing aircraft.

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